Attendance & Punctuality
At Reintegreat, we believe that good attendance is directly linked to high achievement and that when students miss valuable lesson time, it can have a negative effect on their progress. It is school policy to work with students and their parents/carers when the student’s attendance falls below the national target.
On the first day of absence, and subsequent days, parents/carers must contact the centre to explain the reason for their child’s absence. If this contact is not made, the child’s absence will be marked as unauthorised until a reason is given. All Holidays taken in term time will also be logged as unauthorised. For all appointments (medical etc.) we request that a copy of an appointment card or letter is handed into the school reception.
If students are feeling unwell during the school day, they must speak to a senior member of staff, who will contact home. Students must not contact home themselves. Students with good attendance and punctuality are rewarded in celebration assemblies that take place a number of times across the academic year.
The vast majority of students at Reintegreat have good punctuality and arrive to school in taxis before Period 1 begins. All students should be in Reintegreat for an 9.00am start. Students will be recorded as late if they arrive to their class after registers close at 9.30am. If students arrive at school later than this time, they should report to the front office or reception so they can be marked in the register.
Sanctions are in place for students who are frequently late.
Our Attendance and Parent Support Officer at Reintegreat, is Mr Needham.
Good attendance shows potential employers that your child is reliable. Children who go to school regularly might be less likely to get involved in antisocial behaviour or crime. All schools must record details of students’ attendance and absence at school. They do so at the beginning of morning and afternoon sessions.
90% Attendance sounds good, but means that your child misses:
One half day each week
Nearly four weeks every school year
Over one school year in a school career
The following are ways that you can help to tackle the problem of truancy:
Inform school if your child has to be off school (preferably prior to absence or on the first day of a medical absence)
Talk to your child about his/her school day
Attend school Parent’ Evenings
Find out what the school’s Attendance Policy and practice is
Do not allow your child to be absent without good cause
Arrange family holidays during the school holidays not in term time
Arrange visits to the Doctor, Dentist, Opticians etc for outside of school hours
Take a positive interest in your child’s homework
Let your children know you care and that if they are experiencing any difficulties, that they can talk to you
Do not allow your child to be absent for birthdays, haircuts or shopping
If there are any problems, speak to your child’s class/form teacher, or senior leader team.
The law relating to school attendance is detailed in the Education Act, Sections 445 – 447; the Children Act 1989, Section 36; the Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003 (February 27th 2004), Section 19
To summarise:
Parents/Carers have a legal responsibility to ensure that their child/children receive an education appropriate to their age, aptitude and ability, either by regular school attendance or otherwise
Parents/Carers are responsible for ensuring that their child/children attend school each day and arrive on time.
Parents/Carers must not allow their child/children to work during school hours
Parents/Carers can receive up to a 3 month imprisonment or £2,500 fine as a result of not ensuring their child/children’s attendance at school
Parents/Carers can receive a Penalty Notice (up to £120) for a period of unauthorised absence (i.e. unauthorised holidays in term time)
Parents/carers can receive a Penalty Notice if a child is out in a public place unsupervised while excluded from school
School Attendance Officer’s role covers:
Offering support to families and students to assist them in securing regular school attendance.
This may include:
Home visits
Meeting students in school to offer support and advice
Liaison between home and school to improve communication links and resolve any difficulties that have hindered progress
Working in partnership with the Child and Adult Services Department and other agencies to promote the child’s welfare and gain appropriate support.
This may include:
Referral to social care staff/stronger families for support
Referral for psychologist support
Referral to Mental health services
Ensuring that the statutory duty in relation to school attendance is carried out.
This includes:
Half termly register checks
Prosecuting parents who fail to secure their child’s attendance at school
Supervising an Education Supervision Order
Enforce a School Attendance Order
Issue a Penalty Notice