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Key Stage 3:Creative Art

Curriculum Intent

The teaching of Creative Art at Reintegreat is aimed at enabling each student to personally develop their creative skills and to enhance their capabilities through a variety of art-based disciplines. Each project delivered at Key Stage 3 has exciting and motivating starting points. These have been designed to capture the students’ interests and provide them with a variety of visual material to incorporate into their work.

We use existing artists, designers and crafts people as inspiration for the further development of the students’ work.

The students will be given the opportunity to explore and experiment with a wide variety of artistic materials and processes; whilst learning how to develop and refine their ideas. They will then produce a personal and meaningful response to their project.

Reflecting the Reintegreat REACH values, we want our students to experiment with materials and processes to foster ‘resilience’; we want creative learners; who have the opportunity to follow their ‘dreams’ and use their ideas to produce high quality outcomes, showing ‘excellence’ in all they do.

We aim to prepare students for the world of work and Post 16 opportunities by constantly referring to careers in the creative industries both locally, nationally and internationally and promoting creative Post 16 courses.

Curriculum Overview

Autumn 1 - Developing Art skills

Autumn 2 - Portraiture

Spring 1 - Pop Art

Spring 2 - Modern Art

Summer 1 - Landscape

Summer 2 - Expressionism

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