PiXL Edge
At Reintegreat we constantly strive to give our students as many opportunities as possible to try new things and to give them the best chance for future success. With this in mind, we are excited to continue running the PiXL Edge programme with all of our students form year 7 to 11.
The aim of this programme is to develop and accredit students with those personal attributes essential for employability and life.
The Edge gives students an opportunity to develop 5 key attributes:
It also provides students with the opportunity to make themselves more attractive to further education and future employers and helps celebrate achievements made both in and out of school.
Once complete, students will receive a nationally recognised certificate and badge, additional prizes and rewards may be made throughout the year.
How it will work here at Reintegreat
To achieve PiXL Apprentice Level students will have two years to attain 10 credits over the five key attributes, activities can be completed both in and out of school.
Examples of Activities
Take responsibility for teaching a piece of work to others in the class
Lead a coaching session in PE
Attend an enrichment club every week for a term
Organise a small scale fundraising activity e.g Charity Day
Compose a musical piece for a single instrument or voice which is performed
Once the PiXL Apprentice Level is complete, they can then work towards their PiXL Graduate and PiXL Master Level.
All students will have been given their personal account details by their form tutor. If your child would like to access their database at home they can use the following link https://theedge.pixl.org.uk/
Video Link - https://youtu.be/fLvGRRwU534